An interesting recreation in player/stage is walle, which was designed by Richard. I have made a ROS package of the same. The package can be downloaded here, http://mobotica.googlecode.com/files/walle_ros.tar.gz . The simulation may be run with the following command;
rosrun stage stageros `rospack find walle_ros`/world/simple.world
This stage window should pop-up,
The simulation script employs the stage wander controller, and the simulation starts off in the 'PAUSED' mode, left click on the stage window and press P to get things moving. Walle will wander around.
To have a closer look at walle, left click on the stage window and press R (Perspective camera).
- Tested on ROS diamondback, should work on ROS electric
- Any issues with the ROS package, please write to me at arkapravobhaumik at gmail dot com